My story
I was born in 1978; as a highly-sensitive child, I quickly became a sponge for other people's emotions. I also had visions (angels, guides, dead people. As I had chosen to incarnate in a Cartesian family with parents who had walked away from any form of religious or spiritual beliefs, I quickly understood that I had to hide my extrasensory perceptions in order to “survive” and protect myself. So I became very good at observing environments to adapt and fit into the appropriate box. Inside I was living a rollercoaster. Outside, what people could see is a girl who was having night terrors and asthma. I was already suffocating…
In 1985, at the age 6 and a half, I lost my best friend who died suddenly in an accident. This trauma only came back to the surface when I was 29. Thanks to therapeutic work I understood its impact on my relationships (wounds of abandonment and injustice amongst other things). Over time and through my connections to mediumship and the invisible world, I gradually realized the importance of our soul-to-soul bond and the team we form. He is the one who gives me access to other realms and help me build bridges between dimensions.
Between 1985 and 2006 I went through more roller coasters, with high high and low lows. Sometimes I was struggling with emotions that did not belong to me but I had no idea these were not mine. I was still very good at over-adapting and so I was not my true self. I lived in a dissociated state, cut off from my soul.. People used to describe me as an angry and moody kid.
My body was showing me everything but without guidance I had no idea how to decipher its messages:
at 10-years old I already had knee and back problems, which were at the time diagnosed as physiological problems connected to how fast I was growing.... When I revisted this later on, with my knowledge, it is clear that the triggers were emotional (not being to relate with others, suffering from lack of connection, etc). I also had a series of throat infections and ended up having my tonsils removed. Again, it was simply the throat chakra being completely blocked due to my inability to express my emotions and needs.
Until I turned 20, I also had a series of undiagnosed depressive episodes that were not treated; I did my best to cope with my ups and downs and my overflowing emotions... I had lots of addictions: books, alcohol, travels, sports.
I “survived” my student’s years, in France and abroad. I would always want to be perfect, I was never satisfied, never feeling good enough, even if there were good times; I also knew very well how to hide my problems and adapt to any situation; but deep down inside me sadness was always present.
In 1999, at the age of 21, I began a career as a language teacher, which was great because it allowed me to travel, lived in different countries and meet human beings of different backgrounds and cultures and socio-economic levels. I came to realize that diversity was a great gift on this planet. I had a great sense of adventure; I was always very curious and I liked to learn from all of these countries and people; but a part of me that was clearly runnning away from my issues. And of course my problems followed me… I kept on searching for answers outside of me, on giving away my power, I was lost. I was still very good at adapting to people, ways of life; I was easily influenced. I could fit anywhere as I was able do play different roles. However I still had no idea who I was and I was still living in a dissociated state.
In 2007, at the age of 29, I had a huge burnout. One of the biggest programming I had was that to be successful I had to “climb the ladder” and so I began to work as a school manager.
I still didn’t know who I was, or had no idea how to set proper boundaries, I was doing my best to fit in this new box, I was being a complete people pleaser and kept aiming for perfection. It did not work at all. I was still a great sponge… and felt very vulnerable. If you add to that a boss who had not clearly defined my role as it was a new position in the company, and a colleague who mobbed me because she was afraid I was going to take her job… you get the perfect combination to make me hit rock bottom! Little by little, my world crumbled...
The word “burn-out”, in 2007-2008, was not often used. It was not very well-known yet at the time. I didn’t understand what was happening to me. My doctor didn’t understand either. I lost 15 kilos in 6 months. I also had excruciating pain in my back. My doctor thought I had cancer. I underwent a multitude of medical exams. Nothing showed up. I started seeing a psychiatrist. I was not be able to speak. My emotions were literally stuck in my gut and my throat. I was also suffering from the irritable bowel syndrome. I had panic attacks.
In spite of all my physical and mental healthy issues, I continued to go to work. It was very difficult. But I wanted to prove to myself and others that I could do this.
Then one day I was no longer able to get up, as if I was paralyzed. My back pain prevented me from moving. I was physically unable to go back to work. My soul had been trying to stop me for a while and found a way to do so through my body. My burnout turned into depression. This episode could also be called a “dark night of the soul”; I wanted to die, to disappear, I was so ashamed. I believed that I would never get out of it. Many years later I was able to see it a gift, a blessing in disguise. My soul had made me fall into the abyss so that I could find myself and find my way back to who I was. THANK YOU SOUL!
In 2009, I discovered mindfulness meditation; as I was curious and liked to learn new things I started looking into other forms of meditation. I discovered more energetic techniques, hypnosis, visualizations and Reiki. I was still a bit skeptical due to my cartesian education; but these practices made me feel so much better so I kept moving forward on this path.
I rediscovered the power of my third eye and my visions. I was becoming me again, even if the road would be long and I was still “hiding”.
I took a job at a university, in a less toxic environment, with great colleagues; I knew myself better, I believed in myself more. I was able to be more assertive. At the same time, I trained in lots of different techniques, some more rational like coaching and NLP, others more “energetic”, firstly for me; but I understood that everything I experienced, the obstacles and the challenges, were there so that I could not only overcome them and learn from them, but also so that I could share and pass on what I had discovered along the way. It was fascinanting. We can learn through courses of course, but also on a daily basis, with each experience, when we live consciously.
In 2011 I began to use my coaching training within associations working in the field of professional integration or career transition. I stared to work with people who were in very precarious situations and had experienced major trauma (abuse, war, rape, displacement, etc.)
In 2013, at the same time, I opened my business, because I wanted to go further with supporting people and to be free to use the tools that resonated with me, to use my visions and my clairsenses, meditations, forest bathing, etc.
In 2016, I became completely self-employed. Since then business and my services have evolved with me. This path is not linear.
In 2018, a trip to India for just 15 days overwhelmed me; my channeling skills became more refined. Once I got back to Switzerland, I was suffocating, I left Geneva where I had been living for 12 years and moved to the mountains and the forest. I decided to stop travelling and to put roots there, to be more in presence and enjoy the heavenly place that had been brought to me by the Universe.
In 2020, our journey on Earth brings us a difficult test, Covid. The division and separation energies were unbearable to me. Like everyone at some point I get caught up in it all. I learnt to withdraw and more into nature because for me it was a call to stop and do shadow work. My practices in the forest became more profound, I developed other perceptions. The spirits of nature would speak to me more and more. I realized that I had been practicing shamanism intuitively when I attended an introductory workshop. I decided to immerse myself in the world of plants spirits and medicinal energy through a long-term training. Nature is our sanctuary. Many people at that time were in search of meaning and wanted to spend more time in nature. They came to me. Covid, was in fact, a gift leading to a new wave of awakening…
The world has been experiencing an accelerated transition, and I also keep on evolving. I felt the call to simplify what I offer even more. I am also convinced that the time has come to fully embody our spirituality and use our differences as a strength.
In April 2022, during a healing sound bath, I heard my guides saying : “You have to go back to India, it's time”. My mind categorically refused. I didn’t want to travel, mainly for ethical reasons and also because at that time I was living in a paradise in the forest; I had found my sanctuary, I didn’t want to leave!
I had all kinds of excuses and reasons...”It will be too much, too intense, I am too sensitive, I will not be the same afterwards, maybe I won’t come back”, etc.
In July 2022 however, the Universe found a way to kick me out of my house… I had to look for a new place to live because I was still not ready to go to India; the thing is, I ended up living in a place that did not suit me at all and was very uncomfortable. I was taken to dark places and was asked to use more of my skills in clearing places, help souls passing away, support human beings connection with the Earth, with the help of the spirits of trees and plants. I did it with a lot of resistance. I did not understand everything. However my perceptions kept growing and my best friend who died in 1985 officially became my partner from another dimension, my teammate, my guardian angel, my support. He had always been around but I didn't always feel him and above all his death had been more a source of suffering (abandonment wound) than a support. That year our relationship did transform. All of this was in fact preparing me for my trip to India, even though I wasn’t aware of it.
2023 stretched me out in all directions with huge discomfort. It did help me, however, to work on my resistance and trust the guidance of my soul, my guides’ calling… So I bought tke my ticket to India.
As soon as I got my ticket, an incredible energy started to unfold. My heart opened widely, my soul started dancing. I had 2 months left in Switzerland before going away but something had already changed. Was it the spirit of adventure? The opening of the heart? I don’t know but I was in complete flow.
In November 2023, I finally went to India. Surprisingly, it felt like home. I let go of the needs for answers and followed my soul’s calling. I was taken to amazing places and met fantastic people. I was in estactic flow for 4 months.
It was not always easy, sometimes very intense. The more I agreed to surrender, without controlling, the more I was shown the way. I experienced incredible synchronicities and reconnected with past lives and soulmates. It was as if I was recovering pieces of myself. I was also guided to support some people and clear some places, bringing energy healing, forgiveness and compassion to current and past situations. I chose to follow the lead of my soul even though sometimes my mind was truly wondering “why me, why here, why now”?
I understood there was no need to answer these questions and I could trust that being of service was part of my journey.
My faith in the Universe grew immensely. I learnt new tools, met new teachers and opened up to even deeper extrasensory perceptions.
In March 2024, I came back to Switzerland. I am trying to integrate and apply what I have learned in India and it is not so easy here to let go of the need for control things, feel that I am safe wherever I go, live more in the present and plan less, live with an open heart. Europe has more fear and control energies, less faith. I am here to bring this, to reconcile everything inside me and offer it to the world. I know that I am here to teach, support others, “awaken”, “transmute”, etc.
I do feel a call to build bridges between Europe and India and to work more with the energy of the Divine Mother, the Source and Mother Earth. My approach is moving more and more towards helping people to open their heart and trust, because healing our hearts is a way to support Gaia. Opening the heart is the key to embodying our divine aspect, but our fears often take over. It’s up to us to be brave and dare live instead of just surviving!
What about you, who are you?
What resonates with you in my profile?
Answer this short questionnaire to tell me more!
In 1985, at the age 6 and a half, I lost my best friend who died suddenly in an accident. This trauma only came back to the surface when I was 29. Thanks to therapeutic work I understood its impact on my relationships (wounds of abandonment and injustice amongst other things). Over time and through my connections to mediumship and the invisible world, I gradually realized the importance of our soul-to-soul bond and the team we form. He is the one who gives me access to other realms and help me build bridges between dimensions.
Between 1985 and 2006 I went through more roller coasters, with high high and low lows. Sometimes I was struggling with emotions that did not belong to me but I had no idea these were not mine. I was still very good at over-adapting and so I was not my true self. I lived in a dissociated state, cut off from my soul.. People used to describe me as an angry and moody kid.
My body was showing me everything but without guidance I had no idea how to decipher its messages:
at 10-years old I already had knee and back problems, which were at the time diagnosed as physiological problems connected to how fast I was growing.... When I revisted this later on, with my knowledge, it is clear that the triggers were emotional (not being to relate with others, suffering from lack of connection, etc). I also had a series of throat infections and ended up having my tonsils removed. Again, it was simply the throat chakra being completely blocked due to my inability to express my emotions and needs.
Until I turned 20, I also had a series of undiagnosed depressive episodes that were not treated; I did my best to cope with my ups and downs and my overflowing emotions... I had lots of addictions: books, alcohol, travels, sports.
I “survived” my student’s years, in France and abroad. I would always want to be perfect, I was never satisfied, never feeling good enough, even if there were good times; I also knew very well how to hide my problems and adapt to any situation; but deep down inside me sadness was always present.
In 1999, at the age of 21, I began a career as a language teacher, which was great because it allowed me to travel, lived in different countries and meet human beings of different backgrounds and cultures and socio-economic levels. I came to realize that diversity was a great gift on this planet. I had a great sense of adventure; I was always very curious and I liked to learn from all of these countries and people; but a part of me that was clearly runnning away from my issues. And of course my problems followed me… I kept on searching for answers outside of me, on giving away my power, I was lost. I was still very good at adapting to people, ways of life; I was easily influenced. I could fit anywhere as I was able do play different roles. However I still had no idea who I was and I was still living in a dissociated state.
In 2007, at the age of 29, I had a huge burnout. One of the biggest programming I had was that to be successful I had to “climb the ladder” and so I began to work as a school manager.
I still didn’t know who I was, or had no idea how to set proper boundaries, I was doing my best to fit in this new box, I was being a complete people pleaser and kept aiming for perfection. It did not work at all. I was still a great sponge… and felt very vulnerable. If you add to that a boss who had not clearly defined my role as it was a new position in the company, and a colleague who mobbed me because she was afraid I was going to take her job… you get the perfect combination to make me hit rock bottom! Little by little, my world crumbled...
The word “burn-out”, in 2007-2008, was not often used. It was not very well-known yet at the time. I didn’t understand what was happening to me. My doctor didn’t understand either. I lost 15 kilos in 6 months. I also had excruciating pain in my back. My doctor thought I had cancer. I underwent a multitude of medical exams. Nothing showed up. I started seeing a psychiatrist. I was not be able to speak. My emotions were literally stuck in my gut and my throat. I was also suffering from the irritable bowel syndrome. I had panic attacks.
In spite of all my physical and mental healthy issues, I continued to go to work. It was very difficult. But I wanted to prove to myself and others that I could do this.
Then one day I was no longer able to get up, as if I was paralyzed. My back pain prevented me from moving. I was physically unable to go back to work. My soul had been trying to stop me for a while and found a way to do so through my body. My burnout turned into depression. This episode could also be called a “dark night of the soul”; I wanted to die, to disappear, I was so ashamed. I believed that I would never get out of it. Many years later I was able to see it a gift, a blessing in disguise. My soul had made me fall into the abyss so that I could find myself and find my way back to who I was. THANK YOU SOUL!
In 2009, I discovered mindfulness meditation; as I was curious and liked to learn new things I started looking into other forms of meditation. I discovered more energetic techniques, hypnosis, visualizations and Reiki. I was still a bit skeptical due to my cartesian education; but these practices made me feel so much better so I kept moving forward on this path.
I rediscovered the power of my third eye and my visions. I was becoming me again, even if the road would be long and I was still “hiding”.
I took a job at a university, in a less toxic environment, with great colleagues; I knew myself better, I believed in myself more. I was able to be more assertive. At the same time, I trained in lots of different techniques, some more rational like coaching and NLP, others more “energetic”, firstly for me; but I understood that everything I experienced, the obstacles and the challenges, were there so that I could not only overcome them and learn from them, but also so that I could share and pass on what I had discovered along the way. It was fascinanting. We can learn through courses of course, but also on a daily basis, with each experience, when we live consciously.
In 2011 I began to use my coaching training within associations working in the field of professional integration or career transition. I stared to work with people who were in very precarious situations and had experienced major trauma (abuse, war, rape, displacement, etc.)
In 2013, at the same time, I opened my business, because I wanted to go further with supporting people and to be free to use the tools that resonated with me, to use my visions and my clairsenses, meditations, forest bathing, etc.
In 2016, I became completely self-employed. Since then business and my services have evolved with me. This path is not linear.
In 2018, a trip to India for just 15 days overwhelmed me; my channeling skills became more refined. Once I got back to Switzerland, I was suffocating, I left Geneva where I had been living for 12 years and moved to the mountains and the forest. I decided to stop travelling and to put roots there, to be more in presence and enjoy the heavenly place that had been brought to me by the Universe.
In 2020, our journey on Earth brings us a difficult test, Covid. The division and separation energies were unbearable to me. Like everyone at some point I get caught up in it all. I learnt to withdraw and more into nature because for me it was a call to stop and do shadow work. My practices in the forest became more profound, I developed other perceptions. The spirits of nature would speak to me more and more. I realized that I had been practicing shamanism intuitively when I attended an introductory workshop. I decided to immerse myself in the world of plants spirits and medicinal energy through a long-term training. Nature is our sanctuary. Many people at that time were in search of meaning and wanted to spend more time in nature. They came to me. Covid, was in fact, a gift leading to a new wave of awakening…
The world has been experiencing an accelerated transition, and I also keep on evolving. I felt the call to simplify what I offer even more. I am also convinced that the time has come to fully embody our spirituality and use our differences as a strength.
In April 2022, during a healing sound bath, I heard my guides saying : “You have to go back to India, it's time”. My mind categorically refused. I didn’t want to travel, mainly for ethical reasons and also because at that time I was living in a paradise in the forest; I had found my sanctuary, I didn’t want to leave!
I had all kinds of excuses and reasons...”It will be too much, too intense, I am too sensitive, I will not be the same afterwards, maybe I won’t come back”, etc.
In July 2022 however, the Universe found a way to kick me out of my house… I had to look for a new place to live because I was still not ready to go to India; the thing is, I ended up living in a place that did not suit me at all and was very uncomfortable. I was taken to dark places and was asked to use more of my skills in clearing places, help souls passing away, support human beings connection with the Earth, with the help of the spirits of trees and plants. I did it with a lot of resistance. I did not understand everything. However my perceptions kept growing and my best friend who died in 1985 officially became my partner from another dimension, my teammate, my guardian angel, my support. He had always been around but I didn't always feel him and above all his death had been more a source of suffering (abandonment wound) than a support. That year our relationship did transform. All of this was in fact preparing me for my trip to India, even though I wasn’t aware of it.
2023 stretched me out in all directions with huge discomfort. It did help me, however, to work on my resistance and trust the guidance of my soul, my guides’ calling… So I bought tke my ticket to India.
As soon as I got my ticket, an incredible energy started to unfold. My heart opened widely, my soul started dancing. I had 2 months left in Switzerland before going away but something had already changed. Was it the spirit of adventure? The opening of the heart? I don’t know but I was in complete flow.
In November 2023, I finally went to India. Surprisingly, it felt like home. I let go of the needs for answers and followed my soul’s calling. I was taken to amazing places and met fantastic people. I was in estactic flow for 4 months.
It was not always easy, sometimes very intense. The more I agreed to surrender, without controlling, the more I was shown the way. I experienced incredible synchronicities and reconnected with past lives and soulmates. It was as if I was recovering pieces of myself. I was also guided to support some people and clear some places, bringing energy healing, forgiveness and compassion to current and past situations. I chose to follow the lead of my soul even though sometimes my mind was truly wondering “why me, why here, why now”?
I understood there was no need to answer these questions and I could trust that being of service was part of my journey.
My faith in the Universe grew immensely. I learnt new tools, met new teachers and opened up to even deeper extrasensory perceptions.
In March 2024, I came back to Switzerland. I am trying to integrate and apply what I have learned in India and it is not so easy here to let go of the need for control things, feel that I am safe wherever I go, live more in the present and plan less, live with an open heart. Europe has more fear and control energies, less faith. I am here to bring this, to reconcile everything inside me and offer it to the world. I know that I am here to teach, support others, “awaken”, “transmute”, etc.
I do feel a call to build bridges between Europe and India and to work more with the energy of the Divine Mother, the Source and Mother Earth. My approach is moving more and more towards helping people to open their heart and trust, because healing our hearts is a way to support Gaia. Opening the heart is the key to embodying our divine aspect, but our fears often take over. It’s up to us to be brave and dare live instead of just surviving!
What about you, who are you?
What resonates with you in my profile?
Answer this short questionnaire to tell me more!